Was This Mexico's First Cartel Boss? The Mexican Queenpin Who Ran Juarez for 50 Years

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Before El Mencho or El Chapo, even before Pablo Escobar, there was Ignacia Jasso, otherwise known as “La Nacha.” She was the Queenpin of Juárez who ran the border heroin trade for 50 years from 1930 to 1980. Declared public enemy number one by the Americans, she still managed to escape the law by pretending to be an evangelical Christian and with the help of some extremely crafty lawyering. Danny is joined by Benjamin Smith, author of The Dope: The Real History of the Mexican Drug Trade to talk La Nacha.

Read the interview Gangsters Inc. had with Sean: “The story of organized crime is the story of the modern world” – Journalists explore global crime in Underworld podcast

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